From Now On

Rejoice brethren; be made perfect, comforted, likeminded, at peace, compassionate, loving, merciful, modest, humble, and the GOD of love and peace shall be with you. 
(2 Corinthians 13:11; 1 Peter 3:8)

...Help comfort the destitute, downtrodden, troubled, anxious, imprisoned and distressed.

…Bring forth truth, righteousness and HIS Gospel.

…Be devout and faithful servants attuned to HIS heart, cultivating a good conscience, gathering and assembling in the HOLY SPIRIT.

…Live out true repentance unto salvation.

…Be desirous of love, with a hunger and thirst for HIS divine knowledge and will.

…That we would become earnest and steadfast, having died to self, having become renewed.

…That in our teaching, life, walk and being we always look to the one MASTER, CHRIST JESUS, always having GOD before our eyes, always walking in HIS fear and learning to use all things well.

For all brethren and sisters remain patiently faithful in one true faith, one hope, one love of GOD and one LORD CHRIST, having comfort, peace, and joy in our hearts.


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